Hello. I am a Musician, Songwriter, Artist, Author Native American from the Meskwaki Tribe of the Sauk & Fox of the Mississippi in Iowa and member of the Three Affiliated Tribes: Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara. My home is Des Moines, Iowa. I'm always working on new projects. Currently, I'm writing and recording as a metal band called: Somnarsonist. Metal music will always be my bedrock of creativity, yet I do branch out to other genres, like my solo work shows.
Check out the companion Original Soundtrack to LIFE BELONGS TO THE LOUD!
LIFE BELONGS TO THE LOUD is my first novel. It took me 6 years to finally release it on 7-30-24. After writing and editing for 2 years I e-mailed the manuscript around to many agents in the country & even to a few editors in some of the big 5 publishers and faced rejection for it being "unmarketable".
Though it may be unmarketable in the traditional sense, its still a damn good story that has been gestating in the creative ether for a few years prior. This coming-of=age story about finding a "tribe" of your own in the Iowa DIY Music Scene has something for everybody. As of this writing the novel has surpassed all my expectations and has quadrupled my projected sales, and I hope it will find many more readers in the years to come. I love all these characters and the music ain't that bad either! -FL